Hon Otieno Kajwang' the immigration supremo at Nyayo House just deported a nasty Jamican Muslim cleric out of Kenya and rightly so. The deportee is a convicted criminal having been jailed in the United Kingdom for several years after being convicted of preaching hate, murder and execution of non Muslims. So without this convicted Jamaican crook misquandering as a cleric, our kids are a little bit safer. It's goodbye to bad rubbish!
However, this post is not about the hate monger from reggae land but about the slippery minister called Kajwang who heads the notoriously corrupt immigration docket located at the infamous den called Nyayo House. The elusive minister is also the MP for Mbita a constituency which is famed for having only one tarmack road. Bwana Kajwang who happens to be also a lawyer has been blacklisted not once but twice by the Law Society of Kenya against practising any form of law on Kenya soil after fleecing his clients thousands and thousands and thousands of their hard earned shillings. surprisingly, Bwana Kajwang of the bado mapambano fame has not even appealed. Isn't it time the Hon Min deported himself from his office and fought the very-very serious allegations he's facing?
So how comes this dodgy and dubious man is fit to hold the immigration docket but is not even allowed anywhere near Kenyans who are in dire need of legal advice? Well, it's thanks to our murky siasa that Kajwang thrives in the murk. If only Bwana odinga who is his boss and PM has any sense of professional decency, he should have fired Bwana Kajwang like yesterday until he clears his name with his professional body! But then again, this is Kenya where deception and fraud thrive against the wishes of decent majority. Ole wenu!