I just saw in the papers that our good for nothing and highly corrupt cops are on some form of strike because the pay increase they got from our equally corrupt Govt was not good enough to pamper their bloated ego! Well, thanks to the media because one can't tell the difference when cops are on or off duty. Actually to be honest, the streets look somehow safer with trigger happy cops staying away! And I have not heard of any stray bullet killing an innocent by-stander! Hopefully, the cops will come back after they get some little manners and respect for those they are supposed to serve! Bure Kabisa!!!!
Sometimes its good to keep quite and look smart rather than opening your mouth and exposing your idiocy.
But why should i be suprised? Your blog is just bure kabisa and so is the 'porridge' matter between your ears.
The police should be paid well in order so that they stop taking bribes & serve the mwana nchi. Govt officials increase their salaries whenever they feel like. Have you ever wondered why the police force is not committed to its work? How are you expected to work whole heartedly while you paid peanuts? Bure Kabisa
am equally suprised but if it at all it is true then it was long overdue.if they were well paid then they would have not been taking bribes to cushion their low salaries.The goverment should not ignore their plight,imagine a street with no single officer on patrol regardless of them taking bribes?walipwe vizuri........bure kabisa
What will happen if the police goes on strike for two,not forgetting they are armed?thiz issue must be dealt with urgently!
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