Over the last two years, I have been a very harsh critic of Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Odinga AKA "Fabregas, Tinga, Captain, Agwambo, Arap Mibei, Jamba etc". But I'm now seriously considering endorsing him for the highest office in Kenya come 2012. I'm beginning to like lots of actions he's taking and words he's talking because he's striking all the right tones. I know he can do better and that's why I'm holding my endorsement for a few more weeks. But compared to other presidential contenders/pretenders/wannabees, Raila seems to be way ahead of the pack. This is because the said pretenders are bogged down in legal cases that involve fraud, election violence and land grabbing. Others like Ruto are busy living a big fat lie while they build castles in the air as far as patriotism is concerned. True, Raila is not a saint and no one is perfect. But most of us can relate to his vision, hope and aspirations for mother Kenya. I think Raila would make a great President assisted by Martha Karua or what do you think? Of course a week in politics is like eternity and lots of stuff can happen in between. We still have about 2 years to go to the ballot and the vote will separate the wheat from the chuff. Yet so far although I hate his party, I like the leader!