As young Mariga joins the top flight of footballing world of the fast paced English premiership, I really wish him the most fantastic time and may he score lots of goals to justify the huge pay packet he will be receiving weekly from Manchester City. Kenyans who happen to be soccer mad will now thoroughly enjoy watching a home grown kid strutt his stuff on iconic venues like Old Trafford, White Hart Lane, Emirates Stadium et all. As an African kid who grew up in the slums kicking ball on dirt roads, he really has come far through hard work, stamina and some luck. He's definitely an inspiration to millions of poor kids out there for he has proved that the sky is the limit. Watch how our greedy politicians will want to associate with him so as to rub some glory with their endless photo ops. But having an Irish/Scottish surname as his first name is some sort of contradiction. I understand "Mac" means son of, just like "Fitz" or "Ole" among the Masai. Certainly, Mariga's dad is not called Donald! The dreaded English Soccer hooligans will definitely take the mickey out of the contradiction!
So whats your problem with the name? Leave the great Kenyan alone!!!!
Yeah, I love mariga the footie ace but it's true (however hard people deny it) that as an African, his Irish surname stinks to high heavens. It's like calling your kid Blair Kamau or Green Otieno or Bush Omari. For heaven's sake these are bloody surnames of wazungus! They are their tribal names! If you want a nice foreign name, there are so many Christian names around like paul, mark, luke and john. Please note these are christain names NOT English names as Wazungu try to hijack them.
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