UPDATES: The Daily Nation broke this story yesterday although the story was hidden in middle pages and didn't give any clue or names of those involved. I picked the story and gave it "legs" by revealing the true identities of the "ghosts" behind the story and told how Esther quit her job, dumped her husband to be and eloped with some self styled jazz teacher called Hellon. I'm informed Esther has joined some form of cult based in Runda and it's membership is composed of some obscure rich Kenyans and cute ladies. Hellon is the boss there and lives in a rented palatial property in the up-market Runda. Esther has gone missing in action and her family and workmates haven't seen her for weeks! Her family is distressed to say the least. The saga continues.............Well keep u posted.
She's a TV star in Kenya, she's beautiful and famous but she has just been hypnotized by a weird jazz musician called Hellon (real name Ekkaleo Joesph Hellon) who has a church in Runda. Step forward Esther Arunga. So why did this cute and well trained lawyer-cum-journalist leave her high flying job to join some dubious character who was also a judge in the recently concluded Tusker Project Fame? According to well placed sources, Esther who was engaged and set to get married was convinced by "pastor" Hellon to dump his man after she had joined his Runda church. Now family and friends have not heard from her because she's sulking and refusing to answer her phone having being mesmerized in her new church's activities! Apparently Hellon's "church" is said to have many cute ladies some who reside there "helping" in divine chores. The church is weirdly named Finger of God. Come on Esther...go home for "heaven" sake!
oh my......What a waste.....Esther Wake up!!!!!!
Bure kabisa
This needs Gods'intervention!!!!No words!!!
Who said Hellon is called Ekalleo? Those names - weird! I went to school with this dude and if he is doing something unbecoming, am sure he really believes in it.
oh my God! another victim!!!! what next
Why do people think she has no vision let her live her own life, we like interfearing a lot on peoples life nowander she has gone underground lets not jurge peoples destiny
esther, fuck you a million times.
i pray you live to regret this decision
manze nut imewachilia niku chizi
you cant do this esther, you are too cute to be hyptonised by an ugly guy like Hellon. and this Hellon will burn in hell
Its sad that even a person of such high intellect and status can be snared by these "pastors."
Esther is a role model to many young ladies in this country an dthee fact that this got her is almost disappointing
I am however glad that this happened to someone strong enough to shake it off, but lets all beware! ladies especially.
Remember what mzee Moi said some yrs back? Small minds eeeh?
Think twice!!!! Kwani you think losing him you will never get another one? Come on wake up and tarmac to get another job.......!!!!
Whoever said love is blind, its really blind! But anyway life is full of choices! And anyway its only that we are not a public image, am sure if people were to comment about u.... demn
hey Esther, We are seeking divine intervention for you. You are in my prayer list and I know the Lord I serve will Intervene. We looked up to you nya Kokoth
Its her life afterall
do not judge. am sure if she wasnt popular none of this would matter. Martin
Its disturbing how kenya is such an easy prey 4 cults..i think we are escapists and we dont wanna face the challenges of life..lets all be strong enough not to fall 4 ideas that will cost us our lives..Esther shake this off and step out...
just what the fu*k does Esther see in this man?
another one bites the dust.....
ESTER YOU ARE TO CUTE AND LEARNED TO FALL FOR THIS CRAZY "finger of god" its acult also they practice and believe in stars known as the finger of fate or yod
These churches!!!!!! I wonder whether they serve th God i serve.You leave nyc payin job to...Am sure Hellon got an agenda aaiiii!!!!!
These churches!!!!!! I wonder whether they serve th God i serve.You leave nyc payin job,dump ur fiancee denounce ur parents to serve God!!!...Am sure Hellon got an agenda aaiiii!!!
This is the finger of the dubious pastor
better to stick to the good old churches... no no no the 'emerging' preachers... in the last days many will be deceived... this is the power of faith... i.e. whatever it is that you want to believe!
From the day i first saw this guy i knew he was wierd in some way kumbe he operates a cult!Esther rudi nyumbani n back to work its not too late,they might soon start sacrificing your family members.Am praying for you.
this SEXOphonist is really sly. His fingers got the Midas touch
The world is full of surprises. The story can make good TV soap.
these are truly the end times. Jesus take the wheel...
people,little knowledge kills, we are quick to condemn even b4 we get facts ,every denomination starts off as 'cult,' even that one of yours dont be quick to judge.
Media has a way of degrading people.This is just one of those many cases.Note: the paper that wrote about it was nation......they just want to spoil ester's career coz we are always glued to ktn coz of her.shame on them!!
Don't bliv this stuff
I never understood what Male Chauvinist Pig meant until I read all your comments.
eeeh...we have good reporters. can you please get detailed information, can someone save our children from this!! Cant wait for prime time news with Esther Arunga's and the so called Finger of HEEEEELLLLLLLL church!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aah Easther congrats. One thing these critics forget is performance! thank you Right choices in advance to avoid wishes.
This is really a very good news hoax in the entertainment circles away from the greedy politicians.
I guess this is a build up to the launch of the brand new and fresh KTN's radio station.
Fabulous, attention catching and well thought out stunt on the public. We look forward to the new kid on the block! Benedict.enrile@gmail.com
Bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit Esther whyyyyyyyyyyy??
why do you all think esther is a saint. she's the only one who knows which finger of hellon she tasted. Who knows maybe she's pregnant.
WAKE UP Esther, we need some news
Esther Arunga lashes out at media 'slur'
18/02/2010 15:28:00 CAPITAL LIFESTYLE
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February 18, 2010 - Former TV news anchor Esther Arunga has lashed out at journalists for ‘exposing her affairs’ and has vowed to sue the media houses that published defamatory articles about her.
ESTHER_ARUNGA_427763867.jpgSpeaking at a press conference in Nairobi on Thursday afternoon, Esther condemned the media for ‘digging’ into her private life and exposing her affairs and yet there was no scandal.
Referring to media reports that she was coerced into not wedding her fiancĂ© because he was allegedly a free mason, Esther said it was ‘none of anyone’s business who she dates’.
“I decided not to wed my fiancĂ© Maloba because he was dating small girls and had questionable financial resources,” she revealed.
Unconfirmed reports allege that Esther had left KTN and joined a ‘cult’ that is said to be run by a well known musician.
Mamayuu-----Girl come on pick yourself up and start it right all over again we all trip at some point.
Like i just said we all trip i believe you have a life girl just do things right as long as you know what you are doing.
just curious, is hellon a kenyan? from what part of the country does he hail from?
ooooooooooh pliz kenyans be realistic hellon is also humaman like any other man so let ester live her live,go Hellon go fanya mambo
he is Hellon Mellon ONYANGO....
seriously, is he really hellon mellon?
we are ready to forgive you,pliz come back to your senses.I thank God you let him go though.We are praying for you.
Yes he is Joseph Hellon Mellon Onyango.
lets not blame you Esther,we are praying for you.
Our Kenyan government,intervene to this foreigners who come in the name GOD and stay in posh areas and open cult churches and convince our children.This is not the first case.safe Esther from this church,she's confused,i beg.
A little bio about Hellon - All information 1st hand!
He was previously named Nimrod Hellon Onyango. Born in May 1974 in some poor village in Luo Nyanza. He attended Starehe Boys Centre 1991-94 and that is where he honed his musical skills. From a very humble background, he fell into riches through his musical talent.
He has studied Music (theory and practical) to the highest possible academic qualification.
He dropped the name Nimrod (because Biblically, Nimrod was a warrior who rebelled against God and scholars believe he masterminded the construction of the doomed Tower of Babel). He dropped the name and picked the more Biblically acceptable name of Joseph.
He got married to Wagikuyu Kogi in Dec 2001. He has produced 3 jazz recordings and also runs a music school with his wife. They have no children.
He is also the pastor of Finger of God church, which started way back in 2003 meeting in the Parklands area and now in his residence in Runda. The church is meant to be a haven for people who are abused and need a refuge and rehabilitation.
He has been hosting Jazz nights every last Thursday of the month at his residence in Runda until Michuki came up with the law against noise and the event for end of Jan did not take place.
That is a brief of who the man is (all factual). As for story about Esther and whether his church is a cult or not, I will not comment as I do not have the facts.
Lets all collectively pray for Esther for God to open her inner eyes just SAUL ( Paul) in the Bible-
Bure kabisa! Anyhw, God accpts u-turn.
Sad story indeed!!! So many of my generation are drawn to these new churches. All I can say is whatever your choice...It will be without a doubt, a matter of eternal life or eternal death! Be wise.
This church, is clearly questionable!!! IF her former fiance is a free mason & a player, good riddance...IF!!!
I pray that I do not judge her but I also hope that she does not endanger herself.
Omwana wefwe! shina shikholekha, pia weewe! lol
The finger indeed fucked Esther........lol
Sometime it's hard to understand the decision of a person. What I always say is that making a decision is not a problem but making the right decision is the problem. If she believed that she has made the right decision let her continue with the business of her life but if the decision is not right then it might not be too late for her to turn back. Please Esther convince us that the decision you have made is right so that we shouldn't be worried about you. We still need you.
hahahahahahahah Jaluo in the house kumbe!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
prayeez 4 arunga... stil gt mad luv but ukiendelea hivi we'll return u to GOD cha nguvu!!! we wont let yu b wasted by a pathetic excuse of a pastor!!
Esther i am saying a prayer for you come back to your senses soon ...by the way which part of the country does this beauty come from?
Arunga is depressed and she needs a psychologist
WHO CAN HELP in that department
OK, this finger thing could be the problem.... I know what a finger does
Judge not,lest you be judged.........
This is what i have to say from a factual basis.4 what its worth, Arunga aint lunje, she's a luo from Karachuonyo. And so is Hellon, he aint Nigerian, he's very much luo.
Whereas i am a die-hard fan of Arunga, (mainly based on her stunning beauty) i must say am very disappointed. Not to mention that while majority always emulated her,(including me) i always knew that she aint all that the good girl she seems to be and project. Gathering from her Aussie years she mainly cliqued with and i quote "third-generation aethists" so i aint surprised at all by the alleged fact that she may be in a cult. I mean if her pals were third generation, then she surely must have been second generation heading third. Besides, show me ur friends and i'll tell you who you are right? Why if ur so solidly rooted to this one God would you avidly associate with these fellows. For her pals were not just acquaintances they were friends.(And even with that info i still admired her).
Arunga and Hellon have known each other for years. Their r'shp didn't start juzi. She's known him since her Aussie days so there is no way anyone is convincing her to detach herself from him. Again, i must admit that Hellon's eloquence blew me away(and now i learn not to judge pple on face value) but from the moment i was informed that Arunga once had a deadly sinusitis that gave the doctors concern and she "called her friend Hellon, they talked and when she hang up the sickness was all gone."....ya i see the look on ur face. That's the same look i had. I mean Hellon or is it Benny Hinn, doesn't heal. God does. (and yet again i was still Arunga's fan) So immediately i knew something was amiss with this dude. Not to mention that i now understand why Judge Ian never really gave a hoot about Hellon. They had personality differences behind the scene but they just had to portray they were a team on screen.
On Arunga's parents' concern, that again didn't start juzi. They were taken aback from the moment she came back to Kenya. Her ways had changed and any parent would be concern. Her uni years(apparently she didn't finish...but that's from hearsay)made her a different person all together. And most of her family and friends couldn't identify with her. So family trouble has been ongoing.
And for her to dare say "all this media stupidity" shame on you! Before all ths saga you (Arunga) was a part of that same Media. And the moment she realised she was in the limelight she should have played her cards right. Because once ur a celebrity and pple 'celebrate' you, scrutiny becomes part of ur life. Look at Beatrice Marshall, as much as she's a celeb by Kenyan standards...her private issues and sagas are kept private. The reserved card is the best you can play to handle publicity.
On Patricia being pursued to join the 'church'/cult. I'd agree that Hellon may have made a move. But as much as i loathe her for understandably voting Debarl out, i want to believe she's not gullible and has her values straight. She may not have the personality but i personally think she's got her head straight.(Unless someone proves me wrong).And finally for all you saying we should mind our own Ps and Qs, for one, that's impossible for its already all over including overseas. secondly, this is a public figure whom many looked up to, including me, its very annoying and disappointing that she who is meant to be a good example happens to be some wolf in a sheep's clothing. and its so not very funny, because i thought that for once we have a decent celebrity to look up to. I knew very well all the flaws she had but i still defended her for an icon,(i mean no one is perfect) and yet she's thrown all my hopes down the drain. Well now i know better, never to look up to a celeb as a role model but a relative or friend whom i know very well.
I hope any of this info has brought some insight in some way and shed some light.
hellon must be having a really big,sweet and awesome dick.over ten women and all beautiful and educated!Remember, we will account for all our actions when Jesus comes.
Esther,this whole thing to me is like a dream, i strongly believe that i serve a living God who is able to do the impossible. Esther I love you and am pray for you.
ahhh shieet meeen ati tunaruhusu unywaji wa pombe kanisani mwetu bora usilewe wtf a pastor encouraging tusker malt 2012 imefika
It might not be our lives bt lets b our sisters' keeper n pray 4 her maybe she doesnt even kno wat she's doing she's just blinded no nid 2 judge her.
Esther kenyans luv n imagin we will pray 4 u until u kam back 2 ur senses n Hellon its either u worship God or u dont we dont compromise the gospel n thats y its called the narrow road nkt!
Fuck her back to some sense
True to the gospel, Kila mtu ataubeba msalaba Wake...
"Esther, YOU HAVE DISAPPOINTED ME and the many Kenyans who looked upon you more so my Sisters"
This is just the beginning of the end times as prophesised in the Holy Bible..
God have Mercy on her....!
Its hard to say what is happening with Esther.
Believing God will have mercy on her...
Come back! god who saperates you with your parants is not god. Rem, they nurtue and educate u. where was this dude b4? They hold your blessings. Respect them and leave long life.
u are in my prayer list, we will not afford to miss u in Gods kingdom......
does hellon has relatives!!!, i mean brothers, sisters, parents even if extended.... they won't mine shading alot of light on ongoings am sure...... Seifear
Anonymous 10:54 AM...
I will second what you have said because I know it is the truth. Majority believe she is luhya & are making fun that luhyas generally don't join mainstream churches... She is luo.
This is serious because it's a matter of life or death. The bible is very clear that you should not let another stumble as you watch & do nothing.
Therefore her being a public personality should not even be an issue... you should be ready to watch out for a brother or sister!
I pray for her family, they must be suffering! As we pray that God intervenes in Esther's case...let's also remember Hellon. I think we're forgetting he needs our prayers too.
God help both!
PRAYERS only......as we pray for our children...Oh God....help us
For all those hypocrites playing the "thy shall not judge" card, we are not judging. We are merely voicing our concerns. Even God knows we are human and he surely does not expect us to sit back and smile then say eti "she's a big girl and can do whatever she wants". Had it been that we were not her fans we wouldn't even have bothered but since we are/were, we are pertubed. So fine she's a big girl, an adult, can do whatever wherever, and Hellon really is a pastor of God's word and we may just be speculating, fine. I just have a few questions though....why does this 'church' have a handful for a congregation? And why does it consist only of the Nairobi uppity? And exactly why is it that they cast away 'sinners' for they say Malaba was de-registered because he didn't "conform with the 'church's ways." I thought churches are to embrace we sinners not cast us away. And my one million dollar qn which is out of curiosity: Sadaka ni pesa ngapi huko? At least one thing i know for sure is that it buys alcohol provided "pple don't get drunk" ...what humour!!
This cult phenomenon is just pissing. A lady of her class cannot fall off judgements like she did. something is damn wrong in her clue of reasoning or thought. The way cults brainwash their followers is worrying. this pretty Lady Arunga may just be off her legal skills and professionalism. even if she withdraws, it will take time for her to sober up. Satan likes the best and being that Arunga was, HELL went ON Arunga.
Please GOD deliver this young Gal.
Concerned Kenyan.
this gal is possesed and has lost touch with reality. I cold not help laughing watching her on K24 last evening. she sounded like she aint part of this universe!
Esther is blinded by something. She wants to show us that she is strong but deep inside she needs some help.
She quit her job at ktn but i couldnt help but notice that she was begging for a job at K24 in jana's interview with Jeff...
Give her the Job, maybe this can turn things around
Kenyans' know that there is devil worshiping and that is why we love the Church in the first place coz we are quite aware of that. We are well known for witch craft too, i mean being an African country so esther telling us that we have no knowledge of what free masons do is an insult to our intelligence. We don't need to prove anything we were born knowing in our subconcious that there is good and bad, just that it has been powerfully enhanced into our eyes when we are older. If esther feels like googling those ma funny site well she might go ahead but she is advocating for children to go surf sites related to the devil!
What is the difference between this and saying go browse porn in blala.com?She only cares about herself.
No vote for you in 2012, i don't want my future children to go to Finger of God coz famous people are there.Full stop!!!!
Please my dear Sister Esther Arunga, come back to your senses. This is scaring. May the precious blood of Jesus sorround you and may you see the divine light to the right direction baby gal!!!!
praise God my sis,I believe what ur doing is right dont let the hypocrates and cowards derail ur cause we must fight the fremason come save ur people ESTHER.CHRIST must claim his position in this countrys leadership.its a fight btw the righteous and wicked.The righteous shall leave by faith.
The devil has surely cast hell on earth
you are crazy esther
mampir nich dari jaksel
This cult phenomenon is just pissing. A lady of her class cannot fall off judgements like she did. something is damn wrong in her clue of reasoning or thought. The way cults brainwash their followers is worrying. this pretty Lady Arunga may just be off her legal skills and professionalism. even if she withdraws, it will take time for her to sober up. Satan likes the best and being that Arunga was, HELL went ON Arunga. Please GOD deliver this young Gal. Concerned Kenyan.
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